You will be able to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist exam of Word, Excel and Powerpoint which will be a great advantage for job-hunting.
You will be able to obtain qualifications such as The Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, Information Technology Test and MOS (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) which will be a great advantage in Job-hunting.
We provide enhanced PC environment and wide variety of PC training so that you can gain professional PC skills for business.
Schools where classes are offered
Tokyo school (Suidobashi) / Ikebukuro school / Tachikawa school / Yokohama school / Chiba school / Omiya school / Utsunomiya school /
Takasaki school / Kofu school / Nagano school / Matsumoto school / Morioka school / Fukui school / Kanazawa school /
Osaka school (Shin-ōsaka) / Osaka Namba school / Kobe school / Kyoto school / Wakayama school / Himeji school
PC operator
Computer clerk
Sales assistant
Administrative assistant
Qualification acquisition target
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Third Grade of Examination in Technical Ability of Data Processing
The Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, 2nd / 3rd grades
Word Processing Test, 2nd / 3rd grades
Annual schedule
I felt so great when I passed the qualification exams.
I chose Ohara which has proven results of obtaining qualification and employment since I wanted to work as a office clerk. It was my first time to study bookkeeping, but I was able to feel confident since teachers taught me carefully and patiently. It is a memorable experience that I passed the exam by studying intensively. I wish many people would feel the happiness and sense of achievement like I experienced passing the exam.
Wide variety of practical training lessons will enhance your business skills.
We will aim for obtaining MOS, bookkeeping and Information Technology qualifications. Practical training based curriculum is interesting and fun. Presentation practice and group work will develop your communication skills important in business.