
y4-year course, 2-year course/male and femalezCertified Public Accountant

  • You are to obtain the high class specialist degree in the 4-year course.

  • Our original teaching materials will lead you to a success in the exam

    We provide you the best teaching materials based on the accumulated information taking maximum advantage of our enormous networks we are proud of, the most updated analyses of the exams' trends and measures against the examiners.

  • The curriculum that enables you to pass the exam in shorter time

    From your enrollment in the school, we implement a curriculum that enables you to focus on the certified accountant exam. The efficient curriculum that eliminated any kind of waste enables you to have a success in the exam in the shortest possible time.

  • With the regular interviews by our teaching staff, even the students without accounting knowledge can study feeling assured

    Your homeroom teacher provides you personalized a dvices for efficient learning methods. The teacher will teach you with care especially in your weaker subjects until you thoroughly understand, and even the students without accounting knowledge can feel comfortable in learning.

Schools where classes are offered

Tokyo school (Suidobashi)


Certified Public accountant
Licensed tax accountant
Management consultant
Accounting management staff

Qualification acquisition target

Certified Public accountant
Labor and social security attorney
Nissho Boki Kentei (Nissho bookkeeping proficiency test) 1st, 2nd grade
Zenkei Boki Kentei (Zenkei bookkeeping proficiency test) advanced grade

Annual schedule



voice from student

Ohara has a perfect environment to obtain the certification of the certified accountant.

I chose Ohara which had the best environment to study to become a certified accountant. The classes were easy to understand, and all the teachers and instructors were very kind and answered to my questions even afterschool. And there were many schoolmates and we could encourage one another. I think it really is the best environment to study for your goal.

Overwhelming know-how of Ohara backs you up totally.

The certified accountant exam is one of the summits of qualifications. In this course, the curriculum with all the Ohara's know-how and reliable full-time teaching staff will support you totally. If you persist with a belief that you will pass the exam, your dreams will come true. Join us and aim to become a certified accountant together.

voice from teacher